Dos-Pro Cleaning Services Inc. is excited to announce the launch of our brand-new affiliate program! We know that satisfied customers are the best form of advertising, and we want to reward our loyal customers who refer their family, friends, and neighbors to us.
Here’s how it works: if you refer someone to us for cleaning services and they become a customer, we will pay you 10%. That’s right – every time you refer someone and they book a cleaning service with us, you’ll earn a commission. Plus, if you’re interested in becoming a cleaner yourself, we’ll work with you to get you started, and you’ll also earn a 10% commission for any successful referrals you make on top of your pay as a cleaner.
We believe in building a strong community and supporting our customers every step of the way, which is why we’re thrilled to offer this program.

Contact us at for any inquiries,
Customers you refer can call us at (647)-660-8046 and request for free quotes and mention your username if they are referrals. Existing clients are also encouraged to apply and can redeem their earnings for cleaning services.